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You came to Swinburne for a degree, but our mission is to offer you much more. At Swinburne, student success is our priority. We guide students to unlock their academic potential and create lasting memories and relationships. 

Our Story

Swinburne Student Union is run by a group of students elected by you the Swinburne students, and supported by an amazing staff team. The student representatives work to ensure the voice of the students is heard by the university. They actively collect feedback from students, attend university meetings, plan campaigns, run events and so much more.

Member Benefits

As an organisation run by students, we understand better than anyone the difficulties of being a student. We provide numerous support services for financial members and non-financial members including:

SSU Totebag +
Membership Pack

Diary and
Semester Planner

Free Coffee Fridays

Discounted Locker Hire

Daily Printing Credit

Weekly FoodBank Access

Say hello to your student council members

Student Council meets regularly to discuss issues of importance to the Swinburne community. As the governing body of the association, the Council has direct responsibility for ‘ensuring the proper management of the Union and its services’.All officebearers undertake governance and leadership training each year as part of assisting them in understanding their duties as elected student representatives.

Kishaun Aloysius


Yashvi Chaudhary

General Secretary

Sanara Galhenage

Education Officer

Tess Robb

Welfare Officer

Arnav (Nav) Wali

Communications Officer

Ayush Upadhyay

Activities Officer

(Suby) Nishat Subha

Queer Representative

Mehak Malhotra

Women's Representative

Hoang Le

Postgraduate Representative

Georgie McDaid

General Representative

We care about all students

We're here to help all students at Swinburne. We provide non-financial members a range of support services, including:

Free Daily Breakfast

Free Weekly BBQ

Exam Help Desk

Welfare on Wheels

Free Events and

Free Swine Magazine

SSU Constitution and Regulations

Receive a PDF copy of the SSU constitution and regulations by writing your email below.


Did you know?

The Swinburne Student Union has a long and proud history of providing services and standing up for students at Swinburne University. In 1983, the Union became an Incorporated Association. In the late 1970s the Union facilitated the setup of the Swinburne Bookshop Co-Op including providing the bookshop with a space to operate out of until the construction of the UN Building in the 1990s. In the mid-1990s the current UN building at Hawthorn was built in a partnership between the Union, the Bookshop and the University.

Today, we’re still Swinburne’s only student representative body ran by a group of students elected by you, the Swinburne student community, supported by an amazing staff team. The student representatives work to ensure the voice of the students is heard by the university. They actively collect feedback from students, attend university meetings, plan campaigns, run events and so much more.

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